Implementing Ring Container Technologies’ Sustainability Plan

Ring Container Technologies (Ring) is a privately held, multinational corporation that is focused on finding sustainable solutions for the consumer packaging industry. 

Ring reached out to 3R to build on the foundational Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policies, tools, and programs that were started in our first phase of work together.

Key Outcomes

3R conducted a waste and water audit for one of Ring’s manufacturing locations and used the results to develop an internal, actionable, company-wide Waste Reduction Plan. The Internal Waste Reduction Plan defined procedures for ongoing waste data tracking and opportunities for increasing diversion from landfill.

The water audit quantified Ring’s facility’s water use and the Internal Water Reduction Plan provided recommendations for reducing water consumption across the company. 3R also created a ten-year, Internal Energy Reduction Plan identifying best practices for Ring to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption. The Internal Energy Reduction Plan included expected savings and simple payback for the best practices.

While the internal reduction plans were designed to highlight future opportunities, 3R also worked to improve Ring’s visibility into their real-time and historic ESG performance. 3R built Ring a customized Power BI ESG Data Management Dashboard to track and visualize their ESG metrics. The dashboard provides insights into data trends, enhancing Ring’s ability to monitor their progress toward meeting their sustainability goals.

The three Internal Resource Reduction Plans (Water, Waste, and Energy) and the ESG Dashboard help Ring define and prioritize their next steps to continue advancing their ESG commitments and realizing their sustainability goals.

3R continues to work with Ring, facilitating ongoing ESG Committee meetings with dedicated staff at Ring to promote continual improvement of their sustainability performance.